Last time we released a mega-update and added 5 Elementor Widgets and 2 Extensions along with a template kit in Mighty Addons.
And today, We are happy to announce another update in Mighty Addons. Let’s say hello to Mighty Addons v1.7.0.
So, let’s take a moment to look at each of these updates:
- Age Checker Widget
- Pie and Donut Chart Widget
- 20+ Sections
What’s new in Mighty Addons?
Age Checker Widget

Verifying an individual’s age on a website is extremely important, especially for children. Many businesses dealing in age-sensitive industries, such as alcohol, gambling, tobacco, and more, utilize age gates to at least partially control the age of their visitors.
The Mighty Addons Age Checker is a pre-built WordPress age verification widget that easily lets you add an age checker gate to your website. Additionally, this widget has a lot to offer:
- You can add multiple age verification options like confirm age checkbox , entering a custom birth date or simply selecting yes or no.
- Easily customize your website with infinite advanced styling options like background type, display position, typeface, color, padding, and more.
- With the widget, you can control how specific content on your website is displayed, including logos, titles, and descriptions.
- Enable/Disable the Load Popup in Editor to see how the widget is going to look before you finally decide to show it on your website.
- Cookies can now be saved for a specified number of days. Make a sound decision about when to re-confirm their maturity.
The good news is you can use the Age Checker Widget with the free version of Might Addons.
Pie and Donut Chart Widget

Historically, charts have been an excellent way to describe data in a graphical format that is easy to read and understand.
Using the Mighty Addons Pie and Donut Chart Widget, you can create an in-depth pie and donut chart on your website and customize them accordingly.
The charts are fully customizable and come with advanced styling options. By combining different options and styles, you can then create a number of eye-catching pie and donut charts in just a few clicks. Additionally, this widget has a lot to offer:
- The widget allows you to stylize each item separately including background image, hover color, labelling and much more.
- By enabling the chart legend option, you can choose where your chart will be positioned. Furthermore, you can also customize typography and text colors & margins, border styling and adjust the chart width easily.
- The choice of colors, display positions, typography, colors, chart aspect ratios, hover colors, and much more give you the ability to design your charts however you desire.
You can also use the Pie and Donut Chart Widget with the free version of Might Addons.
20+ New Elementor Blocks

There are now 20 new sections in this update, which belong to categories like Features, About Us, Login, Pricing, Hero, Content, and CTA. You can add these sections as per your website’s theme.
Wrapping Up
So, that is all about our latest updates of Mighty Addons. Did you like the updates?
So, what are you waiting for? Go and try these Mighty Addons widgets today. And if you are already enjoying the Mighty Addons, then we recommend you upgrade to its pro version and get access to all the existing and upcoming extensions, widgets, and pre-designed templates.