WordPress is the world’s best content management system, and it is used by more than 33% of the websites around the globe. WordPress provides support for various plugins such as WordPress mega menu plugins, SEO plugins, Migration plugins, and many more which gives extra features to your website.
Even if you are new to the blogging or website, then we will definitely recommend you to start with WordPress. By default, there are several features available in the default WordPress themes and plugins which make it easier to add extra features and customizations to your blog or website.
In this article, we will talk about one such plugin, by which you can upgrade the means of your WordPress blog or website. The menu is one of the biggest user interfaces which is needed for easier browsing.
The menu offers the easy filtering of the contains on your blog or website which makes it easier for your audience to browse the contents which they are interested in.
Reasons for using Mega Menu Plugins:
In case you are wondering why you need to use Mega Menu Plugins, then you should read the below-listed reasons. In case you are running a blog or website which is having more than a hundred pages, then it is difficult to browse through all the contents one by one.
In some cases, if you are using default menus in your website, then it might cause problems and even your website might get crashed after certain pages.
WordPress is having an issue in processing a large number of items in their content management system, this is the main reason for you to use Mega menu plugins in your blog. WordPress Mega menu plugins do not bulk up your menu with unnecessary options which are available in default menus.
You can easily customize and enhance the experience of your blog or website by providing the visitors a simple and easy to access the menu.
Although there are several Mega menu plugins available in the market for you to use, they offer various unique features and even provides user interface according to the theme which you are using.
Best Mega Menu Plugins for WordPress:
These are the best 10 mega menu plugins for the WordPress platform. Read the complete details about the plugins before installing and activating them on your blog or website.
WP Mega Menu

Premium WordPress plugins offer far more enhanced features compared to free ones. WP Mega Menu is one such plugin that offers an eye-catching menu for your website.
The developer of the WP Mega Menu confirms that you can install and run in any WordPress theme without facing any difficulty. This plugin is using high powered and highly optimized AJAX coding, although this plugin does not make your blog to have poor performance.
Initially, this plugin offers 3 layouts to choose for your blog. One of the best customization features of the plugin is, you can easily customize the background position as well as customize the background according to your choice in your blog or website.
The plugin also offers loading effects, which also gives your blog or website an attractive look.
If you want to use this WP Mega menu plugin in your blog or website, then you just need to install and activate it. You don’t require to complete any setup process in order to use it in your blog or website.
WP Floating Menu

If you want attractive menus for navigating your website, then you should definitely use WP Floating Menu.
With the help of this plugin, you can easily customize and change the layout of your menu in your blog. There are two kinds of the menu which are commonly used by most of the blogs, you can create both types of menus by using this WordPress Mega menu. You can create sticky menus as well as the one-page menu for your blog or website.
WP floating menu Pro offers you with 13 beautiful menu templates which can be easily used in your blog. Not only you can customize and create the central menu of your blog, but you can also easily customize a different menu for various pages and sections.
In case you are using floating menus in your blog, this WordPress Mega menu provides an option for enabling and disabling the feature for smartphone devices. WP floating menu provides support for all the icons of dash icons and font menu, which can be used in the menu on your website or blog.
This WP Mega menu plugin offers you to place the customized menu in seven different locations on your WordPress blog. It also provides support for translation which also translates all the multi-language menu available on your blog.
Hero Menu

Hero menu offers drag and drop customization features which makes it easier to create and customize menus on your WordPress blog. This WP Mega menu plugin gives you the option of 60 colors which can be used for customizing menus.
This mega menu WordPress plugin provides support for all the Google fonts as well as 270 icons to be used on the menu. This plugin is having support for most of the web hosting services along with WooCommerce.
Hero menu offers a wide range of customization features which you can create without using the default layout of the menu on your WordPress blog.
Few of the WordPress Mega menu plugins does not work well in all the browser, but the Hero menu is having support for all the latest browser versions along with internet explorer 9.
Max Mega Menu

If you are searching for a free version of WP Mega menu plugin, then you should definitely try Max Mega menu. This plugin also offers a premium version of features that can be unlocked after the subscription has been done.
Although the free version of the max Mega menu plugin offers various kinds of transitions and customization features along with the responsive menu.
Max Mega menu is having inbuilt theme editor which is one of the best features for the newcomers in the WordPress platform. In case you don’t have enough knowledge to customize the menu using the CSS then the built-in theme editor will help you with the customization features.
This WP Mega menu improves the performance of your WordPress blog, it basically reduces the loading time and it gives the smooth experience even if you are using low hardware devices.
We would definitely recommend you to download this mega menu plugin from the link provided below of this article.
Mega Menu by WooRockets

Mega menu by Woorockets.com gives you access to the customization tool which can be fully used in building the menu on your blog.
Mega Menu by WooRockets.com can be fully customized by the CSS as it gives complete access to the customization features so you can basically build your own menu according to your choice without any restriction.
The Mega menu WordPress plugin is also having the complete support for Google fonts, you can use various fonts and icons for treating the Mega menu plugin on your WordPress blog or website.

Suppamenu is the lite version of the Mega menu plugin and it can be easily customized with various provided customization features. As this WP Mega menu plugin is having lite features, so it does not require you to use CSS to customize it.
You can use the default menu builder to customize the Mega menu plugin for your WordPress website or blog. This plugin is a responsive WordPress Mega menu plugin and you can unlock various extra features by purchasing the premium version of the Suppamenu Mega menu plugin.
While purchasing the premium version of the plugin, you can choose to pay for certain features which are needed by your WordPress blog. Install and activate the Suppamenu Mega menu plugin from the link provided below this article.
UberMenu – WordPress Mega Menu Plugin

UberMenu – WordPress Mega Menu Plugin is one of the premium versions of the Mega menu plugin available for WordPress blog or website which gives the support for HTML customization, this feature is basically not available in most of the Mega menu plugins available in the market.
Although this WP Mega menu plugin gives you the unrestricted customization ability for customizing the menu according to your choice in your WordPress blog.
As most of the Mega menu plugin uses CSS for customizing in the WordPress platform, but in case you don’t have much knowledge about CSS then you can use the HTML for customizing the WordPress Mega menu plugin.
You can even use short codes for customizing your mega menu which is one of the best features provided by the UberMenu – WordPress Mega Menu Plugin. It provides you with a user-friendly interface which is one of the best reasons for the attractiveness on your WordPress blog.
UberMenu – WordPress Mega Menu Plugin also offers the touch support for smartphone devices, so basically you do not need to use a different plugin for providing the touch support.
Big Voodoo Mega Menu & Related Links Menu

Big Voodoo Mega Menu & Related Links Menu is the only WordPress Mega menu plugin which provides the customization feature by HTML. You do not need to use CSS if you are using this mega menu plugin in your WordPress blog or website.
The developers have chosen the HTML for customizing Big Voodoo Mega Menu & Related Links Menu because, as HTML is having far more customization options than compared to CSS.
Although the Big Voodoo Mega Menu & Related Links Menu is currently not in development mode right now, so you will not get any support from the developers. Get the Big Voodoo Mega Menu & Related Links Menu plugin from the link provided below this article.
Mega Main Menu

Mega Main Menu is one of the most powerful and customizable premium WP Mega menu plugins available for WordPress blog or website. This plugin is having more than 600 fonts provided by the Google fonts library and also has more than 6000 Twitter icon support.
Use the resources and tools provided by the Mega main menu plugin for providing a professional look to your WordPress blog.
As most of the WordPress Mega menu plugin does not support most of the widgets and tools in WordPress platform, Mega main menu does not complete with other widgets and tools which you are using in your WordPress blog or website.
In case you need to add extra features in your WordPress website or blog, then you can use HTML or CSS for customizing the Mega menu plugin for the support of those widgets and tools on your WordPress website or blog.
WP Sticky Menu Plugin

If you are searching for one of the best responsive and optimized WP Mega menu plugins, then you should definitely use WP Sticky Menu Plugin in your WordPress blog or website. The plugin provides support of more than 20 layouts for customizing your menu on your WordPress blog.
It also provides you with various transitions, you can customize the WP Mega menu plugin according to your need which is also depending on the complex coding you are using for customization.
The more features you add to the WP sticky menu plugin, the more you need to work harder for optimizing it for your WordPress blog or website. We would definitely recommend you to use this mega menu WordPress on your WordPress blog or website from the below-provided link.
Provide an attractive menu on Your WordPress blog or website and get the easier accessible website. Easily accessible menu increases the traffic on the WordPress blog or website.
We have gathered various information about the WordPress Mega menu plugins, we have collected this information from the WordPress community and also from the active user reviews and provided in this article for you.
We have also listed the top 10 WordPress Mega menu plugins which you can use in your blog or website. Share this informative article with other WordPress users, so that takes it to have an attractive menu in their WordPress blog or website.