How to use MA Spacer?

A much awaited feature in Elementor has now been added in Mighty Addons, the Spacer, giving you an interface to easily adjust the margin and padding of any level by dragging over a selected region. This saves your time of navigating to each settings and manually changing the values.

Margin is indicated by purple region and Padding is indicated by the blue region. This feature is present on all the levels that are section, column and widget.

This feature has been added in the Pro version of Mighty Addons. Once installed the spacer option will start reflecting on your Elementor’s preview editing screen like so:

Margin highlighted in Purple
Padding highlighted in Blue

You can adjust the spacing on each side individually or use the Lock button to adjust that of its opposite side simultaneously. These values change in real-time.

To completely disable the Spacer, go to Mighty Addons > Extensions tab > Disable the Spacer.